About Me

I grew up fully emerged in the environment. Country walks on a Sunday, weekends at the beach, summers in exotic locations diving and snorkeling and doing everything I could to be under the water.

I don’t believe that I had an especially environment focused childhood, any more than anyone else that is.

I can pinpoint my love of the environment to two things.

  • Firstly, my parents are Diving instructors, and every summer I can remember revolves around diving. As soon as I was old enough I was qualified and that was that. I fell in love. The euphoric feeling of being 30 meters under the sea, with beautiful wildlife, and at total peace. Once you fall in love with an environment it is very difficult to not want to protect it.


Diving with turtles (Gibson, 2017)


  • Secondly, I had a defining moment on a Yorkshire hillside. The cold wind blew on my face and the beautiful hills helped me in a time of poor mental health. Many studies have found that exercise improves your mental health, this accompanied by the beauty of Yorkshire Dale proved to me how important the environment is.


This blog will focus on different environmental perspectives, who cares about the environment and why you should.

Gibson, J. (2017) Diving with turtles. [Photograph]